(38.67 CHF/KG)

Baby milk powder Guigoz Optipro 1st age - 0-6 months - 830g


Why GUIGOZ Optipro 1? The Guigoz Laboratories have developed GUIGOZ Optipro 1, a formula suitable for the specific nutrition of infants, from birth when they are not breastfed up to 6 months*. This formula contains DHA** from the Omega 3 family. Talk to your doctor about it. *In accordance with regulations. **Docosahexaenoic acid, a long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid from the Omega 3 family, as required by legislation for all infant formulas.


Ingredients: Powdered chocolate 98% (sugar, cocoa**), emulsifier: SOY lecithin; flavoring, cinnamon. Cocoa: 32% minimum. Mass balance certified Rainforest Alliance www.ra.org/fr. **Rainforest Alliance Certified.

Conservation tips

Product storage information: Store in a cool, dry place.

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